Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Genius Hour

Is anyone else in first grade doing Genius Hour?  I just introduced my firsties to it today!!!  Here's how I did it, and a copy of the e-mail I sent to my families to let them know what we were going to do, and why:
I read a book to the kids today to introduce a new concept to them which I’ve been thinking about for quite some time, and wanting to try with them.  
The book was called, What Do You Do With An Idea, by Kobi Yamada.  In it, the main character has an idea which he is afraid others will laugh at, so he tries to hide.  Eventually, he brings it out and shares it with everyone, and it is loved and cherished! 

My idea has been to have a Genius Hour. Genius Hour is going to grow into more research based learning for us, but to get started, I told the kiddos the learning choice is theirs!!!  We have topics ranging from knitting, sewing and how to make stuffed animals to how to make Minion movies, learn more about football, how to weld (I told him we may need to pass on that, due to safety).
They were Thinking BIG!!!!  They were full of passion, and it was GRAND!!!!!!!!!! We will start with just Friday afternoons, see what we need for extra hands and donated materials from families and the community, and go from there.

I hope to plant a seed in them, a seed for learning about things on their own – how to take it from a little idea and nurture it into a big, beautiful project to share with the world!

Also, if you would like to have a class on setting up a Twitter account,  and learning how to use some of the technology which we are using in our classroom, either a one-one or a small group class, would you please shoot me an email?  I’d love to try to set something up!

Mrs. Heikes
---------------------------------------------------------- me crazy for wanting to be at school even more, but I want my students' parents to become involved in their childrens' learning, and be passionate about it.  When we tweet about their work, I want them to see it, comment, share it, and be proud!  I want them to see their child's hard work!

I am excited!  I'm not sure how it will go, but I'm willing to take the risk!  I'll keep you posted on how it goes!! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Seesaw Blog in Beta

Hello!  This is just a quick post, as I need to get to bed. Waahhhh!!!  Yep.  Back to school tomorrow, so I'd better get into my school routine!
Today I worked on creating a tool for my first graders to follow while blogging.  When we started the school year, we were using a different domain, one which is now a paid site.  As a teacher, I was disappointed.  I researched several other sites, and couldn't find one I really liked UNTIL.... Seesaw added a blog section to their already wonderful site!  If you haven't given the online journal/portfolio app/site a try, you need to!  It's free and FABULOUS!! I'm not just saying that because I'm an ambassador for them  - it truly is! Your students can show all the great work they are doing, and share their work with you, the teacher AND with their families (if you choose).
Here's the link for the free form I created and posted to my Teachers Pay Teachers account:

I hope your first day back in the classroom tomorrow is a great one! I know my friends in Washington got a snowday!!!