Thursday, October 29, 2015

DonorsChoose Project

So Close!!  Our classroom is only $68.00 away from our laptop!!  Please help our classroom get our laptop computer if you can donate, or pass along our link if you know someone who loves to help children.  We greatly appreciate it!

One of my main reasons for the need of the new computer is that I have a work laptop which is old - so old is has no built in webcam.  It's a little trickier to Skype with my iPad, as we don't have a stand for that.
We are going to begin a month long Skype or Google Hangout with other classrooms around the globe with the Not Perfect Hat Club.  Have you heard of it? Check it out!  We have a copy of the book which we will read, and we will answer questions each week and have a discussion with other students about the issues the characters face. Here's a link to the author's Twitter page: - she ROCKS!!!

Happy Friday, and Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Local Newspaper Interview

My first graders were pretty excited when the Hutchinson Leader sent a reporter to our classroom to see what we are doing, and what our classroom looks like!  Here's the link for the article:

This is one of my cuties, using Magnetic Letters from SMART Exchange .  I simply add the words I want them to work on into text boxes on the magnetic letters page, lock the boxes, and have the kids slide magnetic letters over the words to practice.  We use Literacy by Design for our reading series, so this week we were working on short o words.

Photo by Jeremy Jones of the Hutchinson Leader

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Persistence and Determination

What if I fall?  Why am I posting this?  I know some people are popping onto my blog to see what a 21st Century Classroom looks like, and what a teacher needs to do to become a teacher of one.  You must try!  You cannot succeed at something unless you try!  If you don't put yourself at a bit of risk, you will never know.  Success comes from being brave enough to try new things.  I am not a 20 year old teacher.  My own children (ages 22 and 18) laugh when they think of me being in a 21st Century Classroom.  You see, I'm 51 (or 49 plus tax).   I have always been persistent.  I want to learn new things, try new things, and figure out better ways of doing what I love - teach children.  Children love technology, and they love to move.  I needed to figure out how I could combine what they need with what I could do - LEARN!  :) I spent the summer on the computer - Twitter was, and IS my best friend for learning.  Facebook chat groups for first grade teachers has been wonderful, as well as Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers.  But Twitter has taught me the most.  Find people to follow, ask questions, and learn from them.  Invite yourself to EdCamps, and learn, learn, learn.  Most of all, do not be afraid of the technology.  It's pretty hard to break most of it, and if you don't play around with it, you won't learn what it has to offer.  Another piece of advice is to take on only a few new technologies at a time.  It's overwhelming if you try to do too much, especially while you are setting routines with your students. Lastly, have fun with it!  I'm not sure who is having more fun with some of the new discoveries we're making - me, the students, or the parents!  We've created open communication with our families in almost all of our ventures, and yes, it's a risk!  But, oh, the rewards are sweet!!!!

Interrupting Issues

Oh, boy! Do your firsties have interrupt-itus? Do you have a favorite go-to book for dealing with this issue? I have one, and our school counselor has another, so we tag team and try to get these little kiddos to understand the importance of waiting for a turn to talk.  My fav is Interrupting Chicken, by David Stein. The book our counselor uses is, My Mouth is a Volcano, by Julia Cook.  Both are excellent books, and are referenced by both me and my students through the rest of the school year any time someone interrupts the speaker. =D

Which ever story you choose, you won't be disappointed!  Your students will be engaged, and you have an excellent mentor text for this important social skill in your hands!
Have a great week!!