Sunday, February 23, 2014

Coming soon!

I have been busy making some new games for my first grade smarties!  I LOVE teaching through games, and so do they!  I will have a differentiated math game for K-2 students, along with a couple of Fry sight word games, and a nonsense word game to boot!
Stay tuned - coming soon!!!

How do YOU celebrate your birthday?

At my school, when a teacher is celebrating a "special" birthday, you get the royal treatment!  Here a few pictures showing how I found my classroom on my 50th birthday - it was also Valentine's Day and 100th Day, too!!!  Oh, and I should mention a FULL MOON, too! Talk about crazy!  We all had a great day, lots of laughs (at me, not with me!) and everyone went home exhausted!  My awesome hubby even bought me gorgeous flowers, which were on my desk at the beginning of the day!  We have a very talented first grade teacher who created a rendition of "Livin' with Gray Hair", by Bomb Jovi (her version of the great artist).
 My desks were arranged in the number 50 - yes, the kiddos LOVED it!
The reading selection for the day was also chosen, along with the rocking chair 
(as old as I am!).  

What do you do to celebrate a teacher friend's birthday?

Combat the Cold Weather

It has been exTREMEly cold in Minnesota for the past several weeks.  My creative co-workers in kindergarten found a way to get their kiddos moving, as well as to introduce the Olympic games.  They borrowed some equipment from the Phy. Ed. teacher and set up an obstacle course in the hallways!  Check it out!
  It's hard to see it all in this picture, but they had bubble wrap, hula-hoops, stepping stones, the hopscotch mat and a crawl path in this area.  In another area, they had a tunnel and a balance beam for their kiddos to use.  They had their students go out in small groups (with a paraprofessional supervising) to go through the course.  What a fun way to beat cabin fever!