Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I Fell In Love Again

I just fell in love again! Don't panic, it's not with another man, I'm still totally in love with my husband of 30 years (yep, I'm THAT old).

I fell in love with teaching again today.  I went to the TIES (technology) conference in Minneapolis for the past two days, and networked with some of the most amazing people from the teaching profession, both locally and from the Northern Hemisphere.  I will be blogging more about the apps I'm going to be using more in first grade, but today was not about the apps.  Today was about my mindset.  I've been in a funk.  For too long.  Things go wrong, I'm too busy, I can't get this, etc.  NO.MORE.EXCUSES!!!!  I took this slide shot this morning from George's keynote.  It spoke deeply to me.

I can make the changes I want with the right attitude.  And the right support system.  Do you have a PLN? A Personal Learning Network?  Sometimes your support system is within your school.  Your grade level team may be your best PLN.  For others, their PLN is on Twitter, a Facebook Chat group, Instagram, etc. Mine is like my teaching background - eclectic. As George Couros said today during his slam-dunk keynote address, seek out teachers you can learn from, those who will support you and your efforts.  This is George.  He is truly inspirational and charismatic.  He had everyone on his/her feet at the end of his motivational speech today.

Today I found myself at a pivotal point. I am ready to move in a new direction - away from standard classroom teaching and into a "my" model of 21st Century Classroom.  It will still continue to be a journey, so I'm calling it "my" model for now. :)   I am re-energized and ready to tackle what I set out to do in my 21st Century Classroom.  I have not done what I wanted to do, but have now unlocked my mind to see the possibilities of what I can present to my students.  I have always had high expectations for my students and they have always excelled because of that.  Students and families love me for this; but I can do more!!! And after this wonderful, inspirational two days, I AM READY to move forward!  Thank you, George Couros!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Keeping Up With It All

Teaching a room full of first graders alone is a full time job! Don't let anyone ever tell you differently! There are too many days I have no idea how I am going to drag myself home to make supper for my family - and it's just my husband and I, now that the kids are out of the house (one in the "real work world" and one in college). To try to think about creating new games and activitites to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers has been put on hold for now, for me.  Trying to get a blog post done once a week can be challenging!  It has been a chaotic week in my world.  

Technology has not been my best friend, for the most part.  I DID, however, get the new laptop for our classroom through DonorsChoose!!! It's amazing how quickly it came! After the tech department at our school got our security system installed, we are ready to start using it.  We have a few bugs to work out yet, though. The VGA cords are on the other side of the classroom, and I am not able to use the tablet portion of the new laptop without the base AND still have the image reflected to the Smart Board.  It would be great if it could just magically happen without any wires the way I had envisioned.  Sigh....

We have been very busy connecting with others outside our classroom, however! We had a great visit with another first grade classroom from California on Google Hangout, and we have another one set up for this coming Friday for a Mystery Skype.  I connected with the Media Specialist from their school on Google+.  There are a lot of great people networking on Google+!!  If you want to know more about that, please contact me and I'll get you connected.

I hope you have a great week!!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Participate Learning

How many of you have storage issues like me?  I have things stored everywhere!  When I moved classrooms this summer, I realized I have a SERIOUS problem. I have too much stuff.  I can't get rid of anything!  I need to organize it all!! Since I was in the mood for organizing my room, I went online to Erin Klein's website.  Have you been to it?  It is awesome! http://www.kleinspiration.com/. Erin had an article posted on there about Appolicious, which is now called Participate Learning.  https://www.participate.com  This is a fabulous site!  You can find websites, apps (Apple and Android), videos, etc. other teachers have already collected, or you can start your own collection. Common Core State Standards are embedded in their site, so you can search according to each strand (even if you are not a CCSS school, it is a good place to start, as it will get you great resources which are vetted by teachers in the field).
Another advantage to Partipate Learning is there are so many platforms you can upload.  I've uploaded my Smart Notebook lessons, including some with YouTube videos, word documents upload easily, an Apple app which I use specifically for subitizing I loaded directly into a file just for this, and websites are a breeze to upload! I am loving the organization!

To top it all off, if you have questions, the staff is terrific, too!  I've worked with both Brad Spirrison and Alan Warms, and they both are committed to making sure your experience with Participate Learning is positive.  If you have questions or suggestions, they are willing to work with you to better their product.  No kidding, my friends, these people are the real deal!  Please check it out - you'll be happy you did!

#NPHC - Have You Heard About It?

I can hardly stand it!  My firsties are going to squeal with excitement tomorrow morning when I tell them this!!! WE get to Skype with Jena Ball, author of The Not Perfect Hat Club. Just last week, we started reading it with a large group of people around the globe - YES - around the globe.  It's not too late to join us!! It's an awesome book to get kids talking about being perfectly not perfect.  The main character of the story is a lovable golden retriever.  Here's a link to the book:
Want to know more and get #INZpired? Check out this hashtag at Twitter, as well as #NPHCBlogit
Still interested?  You can see some of the pictures people have posted on Pinterest!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

DonorsChoose Project

So Close!!  Our classroom is only $68.00 away from our laptop!!  Please help our classroom get our laptop computer if you can donate, or pass along our link if you know someone who loves to help children.  We greatly appreciate it! http://www.donorschoose.org/project/ilearn-in-a-21st-century-classroom/1705012/?rf=link-siteshare-2015-10-teacher-teacher_1022936&challengeid=271257

One of my main reasons for the need of the new computer is that I have a work laptop which is old - so old is has no built in webcam.  It's a little trickier to Skype with my iPad, as we don't have a stand for that.
We are going to begin a month long Skype or Google Hangout with other classrooms around the globe with the Not Perfect Hat Club.  Have you heard of it? Check it out! http://notperfecthatclub.com/  We have a copy of the book which we will read, and we will answer questions each week and have a discussion with other students about the issues the characters face. Here's a link to the author's Twitter page: https://twitter.com/JenaiaMorane - she ROCKS!!!

Happy Friday, and Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Local Newspaper Interview

My first graders were pretty excited when the Hutchinson Leader sent a reporter to our classroom to see what we are doing, and what our classroom looks like!  Here's the link for the article:

This is one of my cuties, using Magnetic Letters from SMART Exchange http://exchange.smarttech.com/details?id=2e467b26-4902-4649-b087-76791fb31141 .  I simply add the words I want them to work on into text boxes on the magnetic letters page, lock the boxes, and have the kids slide magnetic letters over the words to practice.  We use Literacy by Design for our reading series, so this week we were working on short o words.

Photo by Jeremy Jones of the Hutchinson Leader

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Persistence and Determination

What if I fall?  Why am I posting this?  I know some people are popping onto my blog to see what a 21st Century Classroom looks like, and what a teacher needs to do to become a teacher of one.  You must try!  You cannot succeed at something unless you try!  If you don't put yourself at a bit of risk, you will never know.  Success comes from being brave enough to try new things.  I am not a 20 year old teacher.  My own children (ages 22 and 18) laugh when they think of me being in a 21st Century Classroom.  You see, I'm 51 (or 49 plus tax).   I have always been persistent.  I want to learn new things, try new things, and figure out better ways of doing what I love - teach children.  Children love technology, and they love to move.  I needed to figure out how I could combine what they need with what I could do - LEARN!  :) I spent the summer on the computer - Twitter was, and IS my best friend for learning.  Facebook chat groups for first grade teachers has been wonderful, as well as Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers.  But Twitter has taught me the most.  Find people to follow, ask questions, and learn from them.  Invite yourself to EdCamps, and learn, learn, learn.  Most of all, do not be afraid of the technology.  It's pretty hard to break most of it, and if you don't play around with it, you won't learn what it has to offer.  Another piece of advice is to take on only a few new technologies at a time.  It's overwhelming if you try to do too much, especially while you are setting routines with your students. Lastly, have fun with it!  I'm not sure who is having more fun with some of the new discoveries we're making - me, the students, or the parents!  We've created open communication with our families in almost all of our ventures, and yes, it's a risk!  But, oh, the rewards are sweet!!!!

Interrupting Issues

Oh, boy! Do your firsties have interrupt-itus? Do you have a favorite go-to book for dealing with this issue? I have one, and our school counselor has another, so we tag team and try to get these little kiddos to understand the importance of waiting for a turn to talk.  My fav is Interrupting Chicken, by David Stein. The book our counselor uses is, My Mouth is a Volcano, by Julia Cook.  Both are excellent books, and are referenced by both me and my students through the rest of the school year any time someone interrupts the speaker. =D

Which ever story you choose, you won't be disappointed!  Your students will be engaged, and you have an excellent mentor text for this important social skill in your hands!
Have a great week!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Old School in a 21st Century Classroom?

What do you think?  Is this overhead out of place?  Many would laugh and say, "Duh, yes!!!"  I say, "No!"  Use a good mix of high tech and low tech media to enthrall your students in word work.  Give your firsties a list of words to build and let them go!

Here's another example of my low tech media. :) I have a few cassettes from years of collecting points and a slight obsession of books (shhhh, my family doesn't really know how many books I own).  I have cassette players in the yellow "cupcake" bags  and a CD player in the blue "star" bag (aren't they cute!! - they're from Target One Spot).  The maroon dish tub holds my book choices in book bags, labeled with matching pictures of either the cupcake bag or the star bag, so my firsties know if they ar to use the cassette player or the cd player (in the fall many of the kiddos look at the cassette players and cassettes like they're from Mars). In the white tub I have Dr. Seuss totes (also from Target One Spot).  In these, I have mp3 players.  Our district has Literacy by Design for our literacy curriculum.  We have read along stories for each theme which the students have available after we use them whole group.  I took the picture before we started the year, so the totes are empty.  Each of my totes are labeled with a number, as are my mp3s and the books.  If a book or an mp3 is misplaced, we know which to look for. :)  You can see the edge of little green basket next to the maroon tub - I have several headphone splitters and adapters in there, so kids can listen together, and most of the cassette players need the larger adapter to work.  It takes a bit of teaching to get everyone on board for these, but you can usually get a few "experts" in the classroom to help.

This year, we are adding 5 iPads and 5 Chromebooks, so I am uber excited to get started on my new favorite app and site, Seesaw!!!!  If you haven't checked it out yet, please do!  There is so much you can do beyond just having the kids photo journal with them!     www.seesaw.me

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Room Reveal

I FINALLY have my pictures of my room taken, and have a few minutes to sit down and write about my classroom.  This year, my room got a makeover!  It was boring "contractor's cream".  As part of our 21st Century Classroom proposal, my partner and I asked to have our classrooms painted.  She chose yellow, I chose blue.  I wanted a blue-green, but it painted on a lighter shade of blue.  I wasn't sure after one wall, but when it was done, I fell in love!  The staff in the building have been stopping in oo-ing and ah-ing over it.  I'll sneak in and get a picture of my partner's room.  I like her yellow, too, but for me, the blue is more calming.
I'll walk you through some of my changes.  First of all, I got rid of all of my desks and chairs!!  These pictures were taken before our new Noodle chairs came in, early last week.  I used to have 3 small tables in addition to student desks in my classroom.  They are all gone, except for one new table, which is a technology table with 4 plug-ins for computers/tablets.  It will also have a monitor attached to the back so I can project what I want my kiddos to do, step by step.  I have 5 Chrome books available to use in my classroom unless someone in the school needs to check one out for assessments or some other reason.  I also have 5 iPads dedicated to my room.  We are also on the first grade iPad schedule for the cart.  It has 28 iPads on the cart, and comes to our classroom twice a week.  I am in the process of making flip books for each of my students so they'll have their passwords saved in one place, as well as QR codes for access to sites.
This view is taken from my classroom door.  You can see how much light comes in from my new window!  It's great!  I have very little ceiling light needed.  I had that changed, too.  My husband and I own a furniture store, and we contacted our lighting experts.  They recommended 2500-3000K light bulbs.  My district wanted to put in 5000K bulbs.  The district put in their 5000K bulbs, and after I re-routed several jets to the local airport (YES, THE BULBS WERE THAT BRIGHT), I had the bulbs changed to the ones I requested.  As a migraine sufferer, it was something I really needed to have.  The yellow-orange spectrum color bulbs are softer and less harsh for my kiddos, and much better on my headaches (I still get them, but with less severity).

Do you LOVE the little mushroom chair??!!  It's the Runtz Ball chair.  We purchased ours through Smith Systems , which is where all of our desks and chairs came from.  We also have some Hokki stools, some rockers and Flavor Noodle Chairs (not shown, as they came after I took pictures).  My desks are the Mini Diamond Desks https://smithsystem.com/furniture-types/desks/with locking casters.  I'm not sure if my kiddos are accidentally locking them, or if I have someone who is going around locking them all for me.  The purpose of the casters is to be able to move the desks quickly to have large groups work in the room.  I plan to host all Skyping sessions in my classroom, so we will need a bit more room for my room and my teaching partner's room to join us.

Pretty much the only drawback of the diamond desks (which I anticipated) was the width at the top of the desks.  The area for a name plate is only about 11 1/2".  I needed to find something from the internet vs. purchasing something pre-made, which is what has been done for me for the past 10 years.  Luckily, I found a really nice set at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Back-to-School-Desk-Nameplates-145986.  Teachers are the BEST!!!

I posted a question on a Facebook chat group, and within 3 minutes, I had 15 suggestions from friends around the country!
The little scoop rockers were THE RAGE this summer!!!  It took me forEVER to find them, and then in the right color? PaLEEEZE!  My husband asked, "How many of them are you going to buy?" Lol - two, once I have the right colors. :)
The blue comfy chairs are from a DonorsChoose project I did several years ago - one of my class's favorite reading hangout places!
Do you love how the new windows flip in?!  Good thing my students aren't too tall!  Ugh!  I'm not sure who made the decision on those windows, but we're lucky they'll work.  Window treatments are supposed to be coming in soon.  With a Safe and Secure  building, I hope so!  It's a big window to try to cover!

The last pic for tonight's post...my desk.  It, too, is on casters! My Smurf checks names on papers - first: to make sure they're on them, and second: that they're all turned the same direction, lol.  It saves me a little bit of time, so it's worth it.

As far as technology, I have an iPad, a laptop and a desktop computer for my teacher use.  The laptop is a bit of a beast, but it'll work for now.  I will be piloting Splashtop, which will make my iPad work as my desktop computer - hoping it'll work, as it's hard to run from my Smart Board back to the desktop every.stinkin,time.it.doesn't.work.  I have renamed my Smart Board, "Ornery Board".  :)
Anyway, this is my home away from home.

Have a GREAT week!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Work in Progress

Well, I don't have a clue how many hours I've been at school trying to put my new classroom together. My son, Kyle stopped by to visit one day, and his friend texted and asked him where he
was.  Here's how it went:
Dan: Where are You?
Kyle: West
Dan:West where
Kyle: West Elementary
Dan: But there's no school
Kyle: I know, but my mom's working 
Dan: But there's no kids
Kyle: I know, but she works a lot.  That's what teachers do
Thank you, son, for trying to educate the general population.  We are not OFF in the summer, sitting in the sun, sipping iced tea.  I took 12 semester credits, moved a classroom, created a 21st Century Classroom, and broke a sweat.  I'm a teacher.  What's your superpower?!

Here's a glimpse into my classroom. Notice anything missing????  Perhaps desks?  Yep.  We start September 7th.  They should (BETTER) arrive between the 28th of August and September 1st, then assembly can begin. :)  They threw my old desks out, so BETTER is the operable word.  I do have some awesome seating, though, don't I? Sorry about all the clutter - still trying to fit things from a bigger room into this room, and going from a giant desk to no desk for now, but a mobile work station is coming. I'm just not sure how much storage there will be in it, so I'm trying to plan on no storage.  So, throw, throw, throw.

IF you are able to donate to a project, or can forward the link to someone who loves to help teachers and classrooms out, I have a DonorsChoose project for my classroom which just went live a couple of days ago.  It's for a Apple Macbook Pro.  I want the kids to be able to work with me to blog on Kidblog, do some skyping and tweeting with other classrooms around the world.  I also want to be able to work wirelessly with a computer within the room, including without a battery needing to be plugged in within an hour or two.  I will have a green screen set up for my students to record stories after writing and editing using manipulatives (including Legos).  I plan to add a keyboard for students to utilize Garage band as well. Again, thanks for any help you can offer! 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Growing Pains

My, how time flies!  This little peanut is starting college in a week.
 Our baby.  We are now empty-nesters. Her brother graduated from college this spring. Luckily, she is only an hour away.  She is a strong, successful girl who will take care of herself and not let anyone stand in her way of success, yet kind-hearted enough to volunteer where needed.  I am proud of who she is already, and can't wait to see who this feisty red-head will become!  She has not followed in my footsteps.  She has seen how many hours I spend at school after hours, on the weekends, and in the summers.  She is on the business route.  She will volunteer in classrooms when she can, as she is very good with kids.

Growing pains for her dad and I as parents.  We have to stretch ourselves to let go a bit more than letting her keep the car out until midnight. I thought I'd be fine, until the song, "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Atkins came on the radio as I was following her up to her new apartment with her last load of clothes, shoes, and more shoes (we marked the box 'softlines' to try to hide the fact that she had so many shoes from her dad, ha-ha!).  If you haven't heard that song before, Google the words.  Heart-breaker!!!  I posted on Face Book, "That was You, God.  I got it!" Perfect message delivered.

My message to you? Make sure you take time with your kids.  No matter the age.  It doesn't matter if they are little and at home, or on their own, already married and with kids.  Take time, make time.  I lost a dear friend to cancer this summer, and looking at her calendars over the years, she always took the time to make it to as many things she could with her boys.  And then with her boys and stepdaughters.  It matters.  Always. :)

Creative Seating

Creative seating in a 21st Century Classroom is pretty fun to shop for! I had some cozy furniture already from a DonorsChoose project and some milk crate seating I made one summer. On Face Book, the Scoop Rockers were the most sought out item on one of the first grade chat groups. I know my students will love to sit in one of these cozy rockers for read-to-self! And when Target put the sand chairs on clearance, our group texts went crazy! My daughter thought we were hoarders, but we were just buying them for other teachers.  We're good like that, aren't we?  The "I've got your back" attitude in teaching is so important! I love my team!!
I just found out my desks will be in between August 28th and Sept.1st - just in time for school to start after Labor Day! Here are some of my new chairs.

You'll notice some stacked light bulbs in the background.  Part of our request was to change the lighting.  I wanted 2500K-2700K (Kalvin) lighting, but they put in 5000K lighting. The difference is I wanted yellow-orange spectrum and they put in blue spectrum.  I get migraines, and I cannot work with all the lights on.  When I have a migraine, the 5000K lights look like you could land a jet in my room when they are all on.
I'll post more pictures as I get my new room ready.  I've been moving my son into a new apartment post-graduation from college, and moving my daughter into an apartment tomorrow for college. Busy time of year! Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by! Please come back, as I'm getting better at this!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What Do Students Remember Most About You?

Cancer Sucks.  There is no other way to say it.  I lost a friend an colleague today to cancer.  Kristi taught with me for the past 15 years.  She was going to retire early and spend time traveling with her husband.  She couldn't wait!  Then in March, she went in to get an injection for pain in her neck.  Chiropractic treatments hadn't helped.  When they x-rayed her neck to see where exactly to inject her steroid, they found several masses. Several.  So large, one had cracked her vertebrae.  Kristi fought, and fought hard, but today, Heaven gained an angel.  I imagine she has claimed an area for a classroom and has a small group of children gathered around her already.
Why do I bring all this up?  One, it's a way of grieving for me.  I'm sorry.  Selfish, I suppose. Secondly, an article came across my Facebook feed tonight, which melted me to my core.  I work very hard at being this kind of teacher, one students remember.  I love my job, and hope to leave as big of an impact as my dear friend Kristi has made.  Enjoy reading this article.  I hope you aspire to this article as well!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Holy time warp! I am so sorry for the gap in posts!  I have been so busy, I can't even begin to explain!  I had knee surgery last December which took waaaaaaay too long to recover, in fact, I'm still having problems with it, but this too shall pass!
I am sorry for those of you who may pop on my site to see if I've updated anything.  I have exciting news!!! My colleague and and I have been awarded 21st Century Classrooms for this next year!  So, in addition to having 2 children graduate (one from college, one from high school), me taking 12 college credits for great summer learning, I have been learning a LOT about 21st Century Classrooms, Project Based Learning, not quite 1:1 devices (see what I did there ;), Periscope, Mystery Skyping, and a myriad of other wonderful learning opportunities for my firsties!

You can now also follow me on Twitter!@MrsHeikes
I haven't taken the time to make anymore games, as I've focused more of my time on moving my classroom (did I forget to mention I had to do that, too?!) and work on all new curriculum for my classroom. I am getting all new desks, including a mobile teacher desk, including a laptop, which I am using right now!

I have made connections with teachers in Columbia, Vietnam, Italy, and many states in the United States to Skype with this next year.  I am going to work with an engineer with NASA who will read to my students and answer questions they have.  How have I done this?  Ask.  Ask friends and relatives.  Ask on Twitter - there are SOOOOOOO many wonderful people out there, willing to help drop the walls on your classrooms.  Make your classroom big!  Get a world map and keep track of all the places you "visit" throughout the year like I plan to do - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

So....if I'm not blogging for a while, you'll know why. :)