Our baby. We are now empty-nesters. Her brother graduated from college this spring. Luckily, she is only an hour away. She is a strong, successful girl who will take care of herself and not let anyone stand in her way of success, yet kind-hearted enough to volunteer where needed. I am proud of who she is already, and can't wait to see who this feisty red-head will become! She has not followed in my footsteps. She has seen how many hours I spend at school after hours, on the weekends, and in the summers. She is on the business route. She will volunteer in classrooms when she can, as she is very good with kids.
My message to you? Make sure you take time with your kids. No matter the age. It doesn't matter if they are little and at home, or on their own, already married and with kids. Take time, make time. I lost a dear friend to cancer this summer, and looking at her calendars over the years, she always took the time to make it to as many things she could with her boys. And then with her boys and stepdaughters. It matters. Always. :)
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