What do you think? Is this overhead out of place? Many would laugh and say, "Duh, yes!!!" I say, "No!" Use a good mix of high tech and low tech media to enthrall your students in word work. Give your firsties a list of words to build and let them go!

Here's another example of my low tech media. :) I have a few cassettes from years of collecting points and a slight obsession of books (shhhh, my family doesn't really know how many books I own). I have cassette players in the yellow "cupcake" bags and a CD player in the blue "star" bag (aren't they cute!! - they're from Target One Spot). The maroon dish tub holds my book choices in book bags, labeled with matching pictures of either the cupcake bag or the star bag, so my firsties know if they ar to use the cassette player or the cd player (in the fall many of the kiddos look at the cassette players and cassettes like they're from Mars). In the white tub I have Dr. Seuss totes (also from Target One Spot). In these, I have mp3 players. Our district has Literacy by Design for our literacy curriculum. We have read along stories for each theme which the students have available after we use them whole group. I took the picture before we started the year, so the totes are empty. Each of my totes are labeled with a number, as are my mp3s and the books. If a book or an mp3 is misplaced, we know which to look for. :) You can see the edge of little green basket next to the maroon tub - I have several headphone splitters and adapters in there, so kids can listen together, and most of the cassette players need the larger adapter to work. It takes a bit of teaching to get everyone on board for these, but you can usually get a few "experts" in the classroom to help.

This year, we are adding 5 iPads and 5 Chromebooks, so I am uber excited to get started on my new favorite app and site, Seesaw!!!! If you haven't checked it out yet, please do! There is so much you can do beyond just having the kids photo journal with them!
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