I had promised my students we'd work on Genius Hour (G.H.) projects during the spring. That became increasingly impossible after the first week I was home for two reasons - 1. The school year would end on May 16th for us this year, due to a building project within the district (our high school is being redone!!!); and 2. I just could not push all of this onto a substitute. It is exhausting and overwhelming to do Genius Hour. I absolutely love it and it is TOTALLY worth it, but I go home each day during their choice project time and have my family pull me out of my car and drag me up to my bed (That's when I am HEALTHY!). If you're thinking, "I don't think I'll do G.H. now", DON'T THINK THAT!!
Here's why I love Genius Hour so much:
1. Students work so hard for projects they believe in.
2. I use Flipgrid to have my students "Pitch" their ideas for their projects. This is great, because they have to think about what they want to do, do some research to make sure it's viable, write a little script from which to practice, then record their pitch on Flipgrid. Students who don't otherwise have a voice, DO! Flipgrid is awesome, and with G.H., those quiet, shy students have a chance to voice their opinions in a more private way - I.heart.flipgrid!!
3. Students who may not write for other assignments are writing pages for you - without your reminders and prompts.
4. The level of engagement is FANTASTIC! The level of energy in my classroom during G.H. is electric! I can't even begin to think of the best way to explain it, but I've never seen students - ALL students light up with excitement as much!
5. Students shine when they get to present their projects. I use an iPad on a stand to record the students, then load their video into Seesaw to share with families, and even post on our Seesaw blog. At times, I'll even do a live Tweet. In the past, I've used Periscope directly to share happenings in my classroom - now it's even easier with it being embedded within Twitter! Gotta love simplified living!!
So this spring...Here's what I ended up doing....
I read the book, What Do You Do With a Problem,
and explained to the kiddos that I had a problem. I was going to be letting them down, I apologized to them and asked for forgiveness, but explained that with having my arm in a sling, being so exhausted, and not enough days left, they weren't going to be able to do the projects they'd pitched. MAJOR SAD FACES! Most of them got over it quickly, but a couple took a few days to come to terms with it. I respect that. We'd talked it up so much!
I wanted to replace the project with something fun, and would be something we could do over the course of several weeks. I had already planned the idea of making things out of cardboard boxes and had collected boxes, but had not settled on the actual project until we read the book together.

Here's the book we read: What to Do With a Box While we read it, the wheels started turning, and one of my students suggested he might make a car. To piggy-back, I suggested a "what-if" - what if we all make some type of car and have a drive-in movie theater in our room and watch a movie during the last week of school? That was it! It was decided and we were all hooked! Paper plates and fasteners were purchased for wheels and steering wheels. Personalized license plates were crafted - one was, "The Best" (pronounced The Beast 😉). Oh, the fun we had!!!! Here are some pictures in stages!
We had a real assembly line going with the boxes! I was able to purchase 21 boxes from a local business, Drop and Go so all of my students had the same sizes to start with, and the boxes were blank on the outside.

We got water bottle donated from Tri-County Water in Hutchinson. The water was so refreshing!
We watched the movie, Sing! The cars were rockin' with a few of the tunes! 😉
So that's what how the end of the year ended for us with Genius Hour. I'm sorry this post was so late!
I've been busy prepping for the NCTE WLU conference later this week in Tucson, AZ!! My friend, Cassie Froemming and I are presenting at one of the symposium sessions! I'll throw a post up about that later! I'm so excited to have a chance to share all of the great things I've been doing with my students in first grade!! Whoot-Whoot!!