Sunday, November 30, 2014


Here's a freebie for you!!!  There are 3 Box It In games in this set.  If you've been at my bog before, thanks for coming back!  This is my thanks to you!!  And more to come!

Here's another game I made and posted for only $1.00!  With the Cyber Monday - Tuesday sale, it's a STEAL!!!  Your kiddos won't be disappointed.  These games are some of my firsties' favs!
I'm BUSY!!!!  Today I'm parked on the couch finalizing a bunch of games to put on Teachers Pay Teachers.  A good friend of mine, Dori, has been pestering me (in a good way!!) to get some of my games on the site to sell.  We've been using these games for years and years. I usually get ideas from listening to my kiddos.  I've had hockey players in my classroom, so I created a hockey game.  I've had a student obsessed who was in love with kitties, so I made a game focused around kitties.  Pizza?  Yep - got one. Baseball? Snow? Cars? Check, check, check!!!  I LOVE going into the dollar store and finding manipulatives for games.  Inspirations are all around!  I will be adding more and more as I find the time.  I REALLY do NOT know how some of these wonderteachers do it!  Teaching, blogging, creating games and craftivities, FAMILIES - HOW.DO.THEY.DO.IT!  :) I will continue to move into this blogging world slowly.  Maybe I should rename it  - the slothsite -lol!

I added "I Have, Who Has" with Fry sight words 101-200 to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  My next big learning curve is to figure out how to give things away on here - I promise to figure it out!!!  If you know how, please leave me a message!  I know how to use google docs a bit, but not a master, by any means, so help if you can, please.  Thanks in advance!!!!

For anyone in Minnesota, bundle up tomorrow, and prepare for.....indoor recess!!!  We are looking at a -40 degree windchill tomorrow!!!  Sad face!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and is finding some great deals today for Small Business Saturday!  I did a little bit of Black Friday shopping - at the Mall of America, of all places!  That was a first for me!  I don't usually go, because of crowds, but I had a great reason to go. I ended up with a few books from Barnes and Noble for my classroom,  a few Christmas presents bought, and a few things for myself.

Now - on to business!  I just added a new item to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Have you ever played I Have, Who Has?  My firsties LOVE IT!  Seriously!  They will grab as set of these and sit down with a group of 2-4 kiddos and play.  You can play it with a whole class, or play it as a small group, where students get several cards instead of just one.  

Don't forget there is a sale going on Cyber Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 1st and 2nd.  Here's my new item, and the link to my store: